Dr. Lita’s Blog
Dr. Lita Mathews Health Journey Blog from April 2008-March 2015
Welcome to the Official Dr. Lita Mathews Blog! This blog offers readers details of Dr. Lita Mathews’ 7 year medical odyssey…It begins with her diagnosis with cirrhosis in April 2008, the result of a decades-old blood transfusion to Dr. Lita becoming Hep C Free! A diagnosis of cancer of the liver in February 2010 put Mathews on a waiting list numbering in the tens of thousands for a donor liver. Lita’s decision to make her story public inspired 7 people to volunteer to offer a part of their livers to help save Mathews, an American Indian with roots in Picuris Pueblo…Lita thanks everyone who offered prayers and words or encouragement. Hope that those who read the blog can help someone with Hep C or themselves…..read more below.
10/6/2012: Dr. Lita Begins treatment to End Her Fight with Hep C
10/6/2012: Dr. Lita Begins treatment to End Her Fight with Hep COctober 6, 2012 by LeAndra Madalena On August 28th Dr. Lita and Derek traveled to the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix Arizona, to begin the treatment to remove the Hepatitis Virus from her body.The appointment at...

7/19/2012: Dr. Lita Mathews to Under-Go Final Medical Treatment to Destroy Hep C
7/19/2012: Dr. Lita Mathews to Under-Go Final Medical Treatment to Destroy Hep CJuly 19, 2012 by LeAndra Madalena Before I ever got the transplant, Dr. Douglas, head of the Department at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, AZ explained:1. That the new liver would not get rid...

6/26/2012: Dr. Lita has 2nd Annual Medical Check Up
6/26/2012: Dr. Lita has 2nd Annual Medical Check UpJune 26, 2012 by LeAndra Madalena _DrLitaMathewsOn May 25th, 2012 Dr. Lita Mathews completed her second annual post liver transplant checkup. After several days of examinations at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix Arizona,...

4/9/2012: Dr. Lita Doing Well And Ready For GON
4/9/2012: Dr. Lita Doing Well And Ready For GONApril 9, 2012 by Dr. Lita Well here It is, nearly two years since my Liver transplant. I have been doing very well. I continue to get stronger each and every day. My regular exercise regiment and diet, I believe has...

12/6/11: 6 mo. after 1st Post Liver Check-Up
12/6/11: 6 mo. after 1st Post Liver Check-UpDecember 6, 2011 by Dr. Lita LitaSix months has passed since I had my first annual post liver check up at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix Arizona. At that check up I was give a good and clear bill of health. My recovery from the...

5/20/2011: Dr. Lita Makes First Annual Post Liver Transplant Check-up
5/20/2011: Dr. Lita Makes First Annual Post Liver Transplant Check-upMay 20, 2011 by LeAndra Madalena Dr-Lita-Mathews-blogThe Mathews family arrived in Phoenix Arizona on Tuesday May 17, 2011 for Dr. Lita Mathews’ first annual post liver transplant check up exams at...
12/9/2010: Dr. Lita Mathews Returns To The Mayo Clinic For The Transplant Reunion
12/9/2010: Dr. Lita Mathews Returns To The Mayo Clinic For The Transplant ReunionDecember 9, 2010 by LeAndra Madalena It was on Saturday October 23rd, 2010 when Dr. Lita Mathews and her family attended the Mayo Clinic Liver Transplant Reunion. The reunion was held on...

Gift of Life
Oliver Uyttebrouch/ABQ Journal Staff Writer By Olivier Uyttebrouck / Albuquerque Journal Staff Writer GiftLife_Lita (Left to Right) Melonie, Lita & Derek Mathews & Beverly SingerWhen a severe attack of cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis C in 2008 put Lita...
10/6/2010: Dr. Lita’s Life Returns to Near Normal
10/6/2010: Dr. Lita’s Life Returns to Near NormalOctober 6, 2010 by LeAndra Madalena It has been over three months since the last entry. Dr. Lita Mathews received her living donor transplant back on May 28, 2010. That wonderful and miraculous occasion took place over...

7/27/2010: Four Weeks Since the Transplant
7/27/2010: Four Weeks Since the TransplantJuly 27, 2010 by LeAndra Madalena Lita_2It has now been four weeks since Dr. Lita Mathews underwent surgery to receive the living donor liver transplant from Beverly Singer. In the process Lita received sixty percent, or the...