Dr. Lita’s Blog
Dr. Lita Mathews Health Journey Blog from April 2008-March 2015
Welcome to the Official Dr. Lita Mathews Blog! This blog offers readers details of Dr. Lita Mathews’ 7 year medical odyssey…It begins with her diagnosis with cirrhosis in April 2008, the result of a decades-old blood transfusion to Dr. Lita becoming Hep C Free! A diagnosis of cancer of the liver in February 2010 put Mathews on a waiting list numbering in the tens of thousands for a donor liver. Lita’s decision to make her story public inspired 7 people to volunteer to offer a part of their livers to help save Mathews, an American Indian with roots in Picuris Pueblo…Lita thanks everyone who offered prayers and words or encouragement. Hope that those who read the blog can help someone with Hep C or themselves…..read more below.

March 2015- Dr. Lita Mathews Now Hep C-free!!!
Dr. Lita It was Thursday afternoon – March 5th, 2015 when Lita and her family got the news from the Mayo Clinic that she was now determined to be free of the Hepatitis C Virus. This long health journey has spanned nearly forty years since Dr. Lita was first infected...

7/24-10/7/2014: Another Journey to Defeat Hep C
Another Journey to Defeat Hep C by Dr. Lita Preface to Dr. Lita’s Journal during a 12 week treatment for Hep C.This is the third time I have undergone treatment to fight the Hep C virus looming in my body. My experiences the first two times were not easy on me or my...

8/2/2014: Dr. Lita Mathews Doing Well On Hep C Treatment
Dr. Lita Mathews Doing Well On Hep C Treatment By Dr. Lita Six weeks ago Dr. Lita Mathews began another treatment to finally rid her body of the Hepatitis C Virus. The treatment is much different from the past ones she experienced.This particular treatment is only 12...
Dr. Lita Mathews Gets Good Report at Mayo Clinic May 1, 2014
Dr. Lita Mathews Gets Good Report at Mayo ClinicMay 1, 2014 by Dr. Lita The week of May 20, 2014, after a few days of R & R on the Southern California Beach,May 2014 Dr. Lita Mathews and her family pulled into The Mayo Clinic in Phoenix Arizona for her 4th annual...

4/4/2014: Dr. Lita Healthy and Preparing For the 2014 PowWow Season
Dr. Lita Healthy and Preparing For the 2014 PowWow SeasonMarch 1, 2014 by Dr. Lita Well a few months have passed since my last blog and we are once again arriving at one of my favorite seasons of the year; Spring. As the sun gets brighter and the days get warmer, the...
10/24/2013: Summer Come and Gone
10/24/2013: Summer Come and GoneOctober 24, 2013 by Dr. Lita Well folks the summer of 2013 has come and gone. It was the best summer I have had in a few years. It all began for me with the 2013 Gathering of Nations Pow Wow. It was our 30th Gathering; and it was the...
7/6/2013: Small Update
7/6/2013: Small UpdateJuly 6, 2013 by Dr. Lita Doing Well and Enjoying the PowWow Summer.Full update coming soon!

4/5/2013: Treatment Side Effects left me weak and unsteady
4/5/2013: Treatment Side Effects left me weak and unsteadyApril 5, 2013 by Dr. Lita I am feeling much better now and looking forward to the 2013 Gathering of Nations Pow Wow. For so many reasons, this past December was perhaps the toughest days of my life since the...

1/5/2013: Rough going for Dr. Lita Mathews!
1/5/2013: Rough going for Dr. Lita Mathews!January 5, 2013 by GON Admin The treatment has been stopped and the lingering side effects are nearly too much to handle. As it was mentioned in an earlier entry, Dr. Lita Mathews had the good fortune from the results of the...
11/19/2012: Dr. Lita Gets good News from the Doctors!
11/19/2012: Dr. Lita Gets good News from the Doctors!November 19, 2012 by LeAndra Madalena It was on Wednesday November 14th, that Dr. Lita Mathews’ Hepatitis C treatment program crossed a major mile stone. If you recall from previous blog entries, it was mentioned...